Free nursery education for 3/4 year olds for 15 hours and 30 hours if eligible. Free 2 year old funding is available for 15 hours is criteria is met. All staff are first aid trained and DBS checked.

Casper Nursery


We are a free flow setting, with two nursery rooms and a outdoor play area, separate from Capel-Le-Ferne primary school playground. Casper Nursery has 6 nursery staff as well as 1 extra member of staff who joins us for afterschool club. 

At Casper Nursery we offer a wide range of age appropriate indoor and outdoor activities. In our main play room children have access to; messy play/mark making activities, construction, role play area (which is changed termly for example; homecorner, doctors, farmers market etc...). In our quiet room we offer resources and activtities, that are lower to the ground for children to kneel or sit at. We offer; IPAD time, Sensory area, daily table activties ranging from; games to threading activities, maths area. In both rooms children can have access to a cosy area/book corner where they are able to relax, get cosy as well as look through a range of books. 

Our garden area is a spacious enviroment for children to run freely and develop their physical skills. Children can have fun and enjoy our outside resources i.e. slides, stepping stones, bikes, scooters, outdoor playhouse, garden area, construction area and chalk board etc....

Age Range

We take children from the ages 2 - 5 years old.


Weeks Per Year

Our setting is Term Time ONLY(38 weeks). Term dates can be found on our Facebook page.  


Early Start - 8:30am £3.00
Early drop off - 8:45am £2.50
Morning session - 9:00am- 12:00pm £18.00
Afternoon session 12:00pm - 15:00pm £18:00
Full Day session £36.00

Our funded Nursery hours are from 9:00am- 15:00pm


Morning snacktime

Snacktime is at 10:00am and is provided by us with a selection of fruit and veg. Milk and water are also provided. Children are encouraged to be independent so are given the oppurtunity to cut own fruit and wash own bowl up.



Lunchtime starts at 12:15pm - Healthy pack lunches are to be provided by parents/carer, with the option of warming food up in our microwave.

NO sweets allowed.


Pick-up time

Due to the school gate system we offer an earlier pick-up time of 14:30pm, where a member of staff will open the gate allowing parents to collect their child from the setting.

15:00pm collection time- Parents are to wait at the bottom of our ramp where staff will bring your child out to you. We do have a open-door policy so parents are welcome to come into our setting at anytime time.